E o teu "carro verde", quantas pessoas faz aos 100km?
"Speculation and so-called Bio-fuels are leading us to a shortening of raw food sources world-wide. The consequence: Poor people go even hungrier, so that the rich can drive their cars in a supposedly environmentally friendly way. This shows the duality of the term bio-fuels. "Bio" means life. In this case, it is the life of those, who must give them up for our gas station fill-ups.
Perhaps we should, as cynical as it sounds, indicate the usage of a car in terms of hungering people per one hundred kilometers. An SUV uses the equivalent of one year of a person's food needs for every full tank of bio-fuel. Depending on your driving style, every hundred kilometers you are using 0.2 to 0.3 people! I would rather stick to my bicycle."
Marco Walter, Constance, Germany, reported in the taz
(Tradução do mais importante: Um SUV usa o equivalente às necessidades alimentares de uma pessoa, quando se enche um tanque de biocombustível. Dependendo do teu estilo de condução, podes estar a gastar 0,2 a 0,3 de pessoas aos 100km.)
Post recomendado: Diminuer l’accessibilité automobile (sobre soluções urbanas de acalmia e redução de tráfego) no Carfree France.